Specialised Vocabulary, Chapter 3 : “Storm At The Summit”

1.) Authors use specialized vocabulary/jargon appropriately to reveal events, people, places and idea’s however it isn’t always explained in the text. This is because for one the author has created this book for a targeted audiences like their age, gender, interests, beliefs or religion. So the author assumes majority of the time that the reader understands the meaning of the word. Another reason why authors in non-fiction don’t explain technical jargon is because most of the time the specialized word is in context surrounded by words that many understand. A third reason why authors in non-fiction don’t explain the specialized jargon used is because the author wants the readers to picture the situation from their perspective and their experiences themselves.

2.) Traverse: to travel across or over. This is important to the text as it tells the reader the route that they are climbing up the mountain.

Summit: the highest point. This is important to the text as it shows that the top of the mountain is where there climbing towards as that is there goal and final destination before making there way back down.

Crampons: a climbing iron used especially on ice and snow in  mountaineering. This is important to the text as in context it tells the readers how the men are getting enough grip up the ice face.

Powder: soft snow. This is important to the text because powder refers to the soft snow indicating the environment.

Crevasse: a deep crevice or fissure. This important to the text as it show what environment is coming up ahead. It also is important as a crevasse has certain features that the climbers can use to an advantage or as a disadvantage.